Black History. Full Stop.

When we set aside time to impart to our students the powerful and compelling stories of people whose achievements are often veiled, we create opportunities to build racial and cultural understanding. We understand that we don’t want Black history to be a side issue, but one that, along with the contributions of other underrepresented people, helps us to build a richer, more accurate, and more nuanced picture of where we have come from, and more importantly, where we are going.

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The Secret to Stronger Outcomes

Research shows the more diverse a group is, the harder people in the group work to understand and solve a problem. Who we are has an effect on how we think; our experiences, training, work, social networks, and preferences contribute to our identity and therefore our cognitive approach to problem-solving. If creative people all have the same ideas, then the whole is just a reflection of the parts. If they differ in their ideas, they produce what is known as a “diversity bonus.”

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Talking to Kids about Gender Dynamics

The start of school is always a time of new beginnings – a new grade level, new teachers, new classmates, and for some, an entirely new school. At Turning Point, we have another “new beginning” to add to our list: the launch of our re-branding project.

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