
The Dalai Lama says that "when we develop a right attitude of compassion and gratitude, we take a giant step towards solving our personal and international problems." How profound to establish gratitude as a strategy for personal and global conflict resolution. Because what do we do when we feel grateful? We think about others. We share.

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Building Across Generations

So many of the elders in our collective lives are innovators and change-makers. Their experiences and values transcend our passing interests, and influence how we manage the dynamics of making positive contributions to the world.

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Lessons from Literature

Interpreting literature helps our students to become "amiable skeptics," by requiring them to develop a point of view supported by evidence and to reject arguments that lack persuasive proof.

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How Do We Define a Well-Lived Life?

From academics to service learning, the Turning Point School experience enables students to whole-heartedly understand their place in the world and connect with others spanning a rich diversity of experience, background, and narrative.

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